Data Recovery Glossary home
List of pages
A - Access Rights to ASCII
B - Backup to BTRFS
C - CANON_DC to Cross-linked Files
D - DAS to Dynamic Disk
E - ECC to External Hard Drive
F - Failed Disk to fsck
G - Gigabyte to GUID
H - Hard Drive to Hybrid Disk
I - IDE to Internal Drive
J - JBOD to Jumper
L - LBA to LVM
M - Megabyte to Motherboard
N - NAS to Nuke & Pave
O - Operator Error to Overwritten Data
P - Parallel ATA to PSU
Q - QNAP to Quota
R - RAID to Resident File
S - SAS to Synology Hybrid RAID
T - Tailpacking to TrueCrypt
U - UDMA to USB Thumbdrive
W - WD to Write-Through Cache
WD (Western Digital)
WD (Western Digital) -
a hard drive manufacturer known by
the Caviar family of the hard drives and
a TLER feature of its RAID-certified hard drives.
Wipe - see Secure Erase.
Write-Back Cache
Write-Back Cache -
an implementation of a write cache which doesn't update underlying storage immediately.
Sometimes updates are only committed when certain conditions are satisfied.
For example, the RAID W/B cache may have a policy to write full stripes whenever possible.
With a write-back cache there is a risk of losing buffered writes if a power failure occurs and the cache does not have a battery backup.
Write-Through Cache
Write-Through Cache - a cache which updates the underlying data immediately.
Compared to write-back cache, write-through cache provides lower performance, but does not risk losing buffered writes in a power failure.